By Andy Rea

  • Balance
  • What a month!
  • Award for Mover and Shaker
  • Jazz Festival



For me, a stir fry represents balance. It’s a simple yet special mission I only get around to enjoying when everything else is in order. Finding time to fetch fresh bean sprouts and dig out the wok is only done when life isn’t feeling too stressful. And boy does it taste good!

4 woks-for-sale

Having said that, it might be a while until the next stir fry – it’s all systems go at Redtarn HQ as we spring into events season. Lots of planning is coming to fruition and we’ve invented our own philosophy: ‘rigid fluidity’ – we plan and plan, but can (and do!) bend to the needs of the client.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” 
― Abraham Lincoln


What a month!

We had our first event of the summer, working in the press office of the BSAVA Congress in Birmingham, and giving a lecture to vets on the positive power of proactive PR – I love a bit of alliteration.

The world’s leading veterinary experts took centre stage as more than 6,500 delegates gathered for a diverse and ambitious programme of more than 350 lectures and practical sessions.

I was sandwiched between record-breaking long-distance British cyclist, adventurer, broadcaster, documentary maker and author Mark Beaumont and a Veterinary Nurse practical on blood transfusions.

Not only did I really enjoy working as a roving reporter, interviewing exhibitors, delegates and anyone else in attendance, but I also helped to create VetFest, the Saturday night party, which is in its second year and ensured the conference went with out with a festival-themed bang.

4 VetFest


Award for Mover and Shaker

If this were the Oscars then I’d surely have a page-long acceptance speech but, in this instance, I’m going to let the award do the talking. We’re proud to be remarkable, innovative, approachable and all round good sports – and we do it because we love it.

Sometimes though it’s a nice boost to have someone say ‘great work’. So when Eventbrite took the time to come up with a list of the Top 100 Movers and Shakers in the UK events industry, we were chuffed to bits to be nestled in the middle… the champagne is on ice until the stir fry returns!

The champagne is on ice, we're too busy!

The champagne is on ice, we’re too busy!


Cheltenham Jazz Festival

Next up was the Cheltenham Jazz Festival, where we made sure thousands of fans enjoyed their time in the Jazz Arena and where these boys, Cheltenham’s finest Thrill Collins gave an incredible performance on the Free Stage.

2016-05-01 21.41.13

Our bank holiday went with a swing and a randomness you can only associate with jazz. It was an incredible five days, much anticipated by attendees, performers and Redtarn – one of those ‘aren’t we lucky to do this as a job’ moments. The buzz of these festivals, and their increasing crowd-drawing power, is amazing to be a part of – music really is the food of the soul.

Hmm, did someone mention a stir fry?